Wednesday, April 7, 2010

13 MARCH 2010

On this day, we were taught Web 2.0. Technologies in the workplace. Introduction to Web 2.0. Technology was well presented by Johann Van Wyk He talked to us about a brief history of Web 2.0 Technologies and the importance of using it in the Library.
The Practical sessions on Web. 2.0. Technologies were conducted by Antoinette Lourens. She taught us how to create wikis and blogs. The presenter was so impatient and she was teaching us as if she is training a group of advanced students, I did not grasp a thing from her lessons until one of our colleagues come to my aid.
I have learnt that we can use wikis and blogs as Librarians in order to communicate with Library users and to market Library services, to promoting our Library online, developing communication channels with our users and improving internal communications.

Useful websites: http://www.blogs .com and

Professor Theo Bothma from University of Pretoria gave a brief presentation about assignments and project for the academy, the presentation was well done.
The last session of the day was conducted by Ujala Satgoor and Hilda Kriel. Their presentation was based on Campbell Leadership Descriptor.
The Campbell Leadership Descriptor tool, emphasize that in order for people to develop their leadership skills and abilities, they must first be able to recognize their strengths and identify areas in which they need to improve.
The Campbell Leadership Descriptor was developed to achieve that purpose. The Descriptor is specifically designed for use in those situations in which a “self” versus “others” analysis of leadership characteristics would be useful. The Descriptor is a self-scoring questionnaire containing forty adjectives, each focused on a specific leadership characteristic, and grouped in nine major components

In order to evaluate “self” versus “others” analysis of leadership characteristics, the person must evaluate himself or herself based on the nine major components of Leadership , namely Vision, management, Empowerment, Diplomacy, Feedback, Entrepreneurialism, Personal Style and Personal energy .

We learned how to evaluate and assess a good leader and bad leader, what we have learned is that a good leader can have bad qualities and a bad leader can have good qualities.

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